A Typical Day at Southover

Healthy Breakfast

08:30am – 09.00am.

Breakfast consists of a choice of cereals, toast with butter and cheese spread and either milk or water to drink.

Morning Session

8.30am to 11.30am

The morning session starts with ‘free play’ where children can choose what activities they would like to do based on the EYFS seven areas of learning. Children can also play outside once all the children have arrived. We have a separate area for our very young children which has been planned with resources specifically for this age group. However, these children are also free to play elsewhere in the setting if they prefer to do so. The session finishes off with a ‘key group’ session where children sit with their key person in a small group and have a singing and story time session. These key group sessions are tailored to the children’s ages and stage of development. For example, our older children will have a daily phonics session as part of their group session

Mid-morning healthy Snack

10.00am to 10.30am

We have open access water stations for older children and younger children are offered water from
individual water beakers throughout the day. Snack times are social times and opportunities for
learning and the promotion of social skills. 

Afternoon Session


11.45 to 12.15pm

Lunch consists of a hot, two-course, home-made lunch, prepared by our qualified on-site cook.’ Leave the rest of the text as it is.

Rest Time

12.15pm to 1.15pm

Children sleep on individual beds with each child having their own blanket to use which is laundered regularly. We work with parents to ensure that children’s normal sleep routines at home are followed as closely as possible at nursery.

Afternoon Session

11.30am to 2.30/3pm

The learning room is carefully planned and set up to provide a variety of possible learning
experiences and to meet a number of learning objectives. Activities involve language groups, messy
and malleable play, story times, role play, heuristic and sensory exploration, science experiments,
physical activities and extra-curricular sessions both indoors and out.
A range of large group and small key person time takes place, both adult led and child-initiated. A range of large group and small group times take place, and include both adult led and child-initiated opportunities for play.

Afternoon Drinks

Children are given an afternoon choice of drinks mid-way through the afternoon session.

Home Time

Between 2.30pm to 3pm

We love to share your child’s achievements and daily activities with you, therefore feedback is given to each parent/carer at collection time. You can also use this time to catch up with your child’s key person.

Outdoor play area

Between 9am and 11.30am

Southover Pre-school is fortunate to be situated in acres of beautiful landscaped fields where we provide a secure and supervised free-flow play area. Our resources include state of the art outdoor play equipment for children to enjoy throughout the day.

Healthy Breakfast

7:45am – 9:00am

Breakfast consists of a choice of cereals, toast with butter and cheese spread and either milk or water to drink.
Children either have breakfast or choose an activity to partake in during this time.

We are fortunate to be situated in acres of beautiful, landscaped fields where we provide a secure and supervised free-flow play area throughout the day. Our resources include state of the art outdoor play equipment for children to enjoy when playing outside.

Morning Session

9:00am to 11:30am

The morning session begins with ‘free play,’ allowing children to choose activities aligned with the EYFS seven areas of learning. This is followed by focused, enhanced activities such as Spanish classes, sports sessions, drama, and yoga—designed to nurture and support each child’s learning and development in a fun and engaging environment.
The session concludes with a ‘key group’ time, where children gather in small groups with their key person for singing and storytelling. These sessions are carefully tailored to each child’s age and developmental stage. For example, older children participate in daily phonics sessions as part of their group activities.

We are fortunate to be situated in acres of beautiful, landscaped fields where we provide a secure and supervised free-flow play area throughout the day. Our resources include state of the art outdoor play equipment for children to enjoy when playing outside.

Mid-morning healthy Snack

10.00am to 10.30am

Children are offered nutritious snacks, including a selection of fresh fruits and cheese, accompanied by their choice of water or milk. Snack times are not only enjoyable social moments but also valuable opportunities for fostering independence, as children are encouraged to tidy away their own plates and cups after eating.

We are fortunate to be situated in acres of beautiful, landscaped fields where we provide a secure and supervised free-flow play area throughout the day. Our resources include state of the art outdoor play equipment for children to enjoy when playing outside.

Afternoon Session


12:15pm to 2:00pm

Freshly prepared cooked lunches are made on-site daily by our qualified staff. We offer a variety of nutritious options, including chicken, fish, and vegetables. Lunch is enjoyed within the children’s key groups alongside their key person, providing a wonderful opportunity for social interaction and the development of communication and language skills.

We are fortunate to be situated in acres of beautiful, landscaped fields where we provide a secure and supervised free-flow play area throughout the day. Our resources include state of the art outdoor play equipment for children to enjoy when playing outside.

Rest Time

12:15pm to 2:00pm

We provide a dedicated sleeping room where children rest on individual beds, each with their own blanket that is regularly laundered. Our team works closely with parents to maintain consistency by aligning nursery sleep routines with each child’s usual sleep patterns at home.

We are fortunate to be situated in acres of beautiful, landscaped fields where we provide a secure and supervised free-flow play area throughout the day. Our resources include state of the art outdoor play equipment for children to enjoy when playing outside.

Afternoon Session

12.15pm to 2.30/3pm

The learning room is thoughtfully designed to offer diverse learning experiences and meet various objectives. Activities include language groups, sensory play, storytelling, role play, science experiments, physical activities which are carried out both indoors and outdoors. Children engage in a mix of large group and small key-person time, with a balance of adult-led and child-initiated play opportunities.

We are fortunate to be situated in acres of beautiful, landscaped fields where we provide a secure and supervised free-flow play area throughout the day. Our resources include state of the art outdoor play equipment for children to enjoy when playing outside.

Afternoon Snacks and Drinks

Children are provided with an afternoon snack consisting of fruit, along with a choice of either milk or water to drink.

We are fortunate to be situated in acres of beautiful, landscaped fields where we provide a secure and supervised free-flow play area throughout the day. Our resources include state of the art outdoor play equipment for children to enjoy when playing outside.

Late Afternoon Session for the Blue Room

3.00pm to 6.15pm

In the late afternoon, children engage in a range of creative activities in a calm setting. A light tea is provided. The session ends with a story and song, followed by staff providing feedback to parents as children are picked up.

We are fortunate to be situated in acres of beautiful, landscaped fields where we provide a secure and supervised free-flow play area throughout the day. Our resources include state of the art outdoor play equipment for children to enjoy when playing outside.

Blue Room Home

3:00pm – 6:15pm

We are fortunate to be situated in acres of beautiful, landscaped fields where we provide a secure and supervised free-flow play area throughout the day. Our resources include state of the art outdoor play equipment for children to enjoy when playing outside.

Pre-school Home Time

Between 2:30pm – 3:00pm

We are fortunate to be situated in acres of beautiful, landscaped fields where we provide a secure and supervised free-flow play area throughout the day. Our resources include state of the art outdoor play equipment for children to enjoy when playing outside.